Monday, December 5, 2011

Inspired Blog #8

Even though I feel like social media networks like Facebook and Twitter may be useful for one reason or the other, I feel like I was wasting a lot of time no for particular reason while I used Facebook. Other than using Twitter for the SRA 397A class not too long ago to post a picture of a poster the class was assigned to hang, I stopped using the two social media networks about a year ago. I feel like I get a lot more work done in a more efficient time. It also made me think, how much time are people wasting on the internet more specifically on the social media networks? So, I decided to look it up on the internet (ironic?) and I found a few interesting articles.
                One article that interested me was about how most people go online for no particular reason according to some recent surveys. Basically people are going online all the time for no reason, just to pass time. A study from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project said they had found around %53 of people; young adults, from the age eighteen to twenty-nice usually go online for no reason, just for a distraction or just for fun. I feel like I could relate a lot to that last statement. In past semesters when I used Facebook, if a class had a computer in it I would generally waste the whole class period looking at Facebook. Now I’ll generally look up useful information in class or periodically check me email.
                They also said that it’s not completely young people wasting their time on the internet; there is also a large majority of adults wasting time on the web as well. The survey said that about %58 of adults which makes up about %74 of internet users are guilty of wasting their time, using the internet for distraction or just for fun.  
                I couldn’t find any information on this, but I wonder how much of this time that people are spending on the web is being logged into a social media network. Which ultimately left me with another question, how much do these social media networks affect a student’s GPA?
I think another factor that relates to this topic is smart phones. Smart phones are now capable of browsing the internet and accessing social media networks. Just walk down Beaver Ave, College Ave, or Curtain Rd, I can almost guarantee that more than half the people are glued to their cell phones. It’s crazy how much the internet and social media networks consume so much of peoples time. I don’t think it’s particularly negative, but I also don’t see any positive coming out of this information. I just feel like people are addicted to the internet and social media.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Inspired Blog #7

Rolling Out
It sounds crazy but I think the United States is actually preparing to leave Iraq, hopefully for good. I watch a lot of news, and recently there has been a lot of chatting about troops packing up and making preparations to hand Iraq over to Iraq’s Army. It feels like we have been involved with the war on terrorism in Iraq forever, it also feels like the President has made a lot of promises about troops leaving Iraq, the time may have finally came.
CNN; American forces handing over equipment to Iraqi Army
I have read that there are some seven military bases left in Iraq, but they are all in transition of being handed over to Iraqi hands. Apparently we are still patrolling over there, but hundreds are troops are heading to South en route to Kuwait, where they will be processed through customs, and then finally depart for home.
Right now, there are a few motorpools with thousands of military vehicles and equipment that was once being used for patrols now sitting around collecting dust. I watched an interview of soldier working in one of these motorpools, he said the base was basically overwhelmed by the amount of equipment and vehicles coming in and being dropped off and troops head out of Iraq and into Kuwait. Though it sucks for the people working in the motorpools long hour’s in-taking all the equipment and vehicles, it is a good feeling that we are finally done taking care of business over there and Americans are finally pulling out.   
In one of the articles I read said that there is so much military equiptment left in Iraq that we will either give it to the Iraqi army or sell it to them. I seriously doubt we would sell it to them, because I’m pretty sure they don’t have the financial means to buy anything right now. Part of me thinks it is a good idea to give them our equipment from the war, only so American’s don’t have to worry about the cost of shipping it home and the hassle it would put our troops through, but another side of me thinks it might be a bad idea to give them military equipment. Who is to say that  they don’t sell it to the wrong people, or they member of the military are corrupt and use it for the wrong reasons.
(one of my boys "borrowing" a local's motor bike while on deployment)
I do; however feel good about us pulling out of Iraq. Statistics has shown that the violence has dropped significantly since the war began in 2006. On top of that, I feel like enough damage has been done, at the height of the war Iraq was seeing more than 100 attacks a day and somewhere around 4,500 American troops have given the ultimate sacrifice serving their country over there. Plus I feel like America has done all we can over there, it is time for Iraqi forces to take care of their own business. Hopefully plans go and intended and all the troops are out of Iraq by the end of 2011.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Inspired Blog #6

This blog was inspired by Football…. and technology of course.

Does anybody else get a little heated when you’re watching football and the referees are continuously hosing your team by giving them crappy spots? Well, for a few years now there has been talk of “microchips” making their way into NFL footballs. Apparently there have been reports that the National Football League has discussed placing microchips into their footballs to increase the referee’s spotting of the ball after each down or during goal line drives. This would ultimately put an end to human error.
                I guess there is a German company called Cairos Technology that has been in contact with the NFL about implementing this idea into the game. I don’t watch much soccer, but after some research I found that soccer has already adopted this idea. It helps soccer referees know when then ball has crossed the goal line.
                From what I have read, there would obviously be a microchip placed inside the football. It wouldn’t have any effect on the ball’s weight or dynamics; meaning it wouldn’t affect the accuracy of a kick or a pass. Then, the field would be lined with several lasers, much like the yellow first down makers you see in the game on your television. Then, I don’t think the specifics are worked out yet, but they are considering having a signal sent to the referees watch. This would indicate to them where exactly the ball made it.
                Now, I’m not sure whether or not the NFL would use this technology across the whole field or only use it specifically on the goal lines. It would make more sense to use it across the whole field. It would make more sense to use the technology on the whole field, because I’m pretty sure a first down can be equally as important as a touchdown when it comes to winning a football game.
                It’s hard to say whether or not this would improve the game or make it more controversial. I personally think it would be a great idea, how could it go wrong? I mean it’s ultimately eliminating human error.